Dental Floss - خــيــط الاسـنان
Dental Floss is just as important as the toothbrush in keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy. While the tooth brush cleans the outside surfaces of the teeth, the floss is used to dislodge food that is hiding between the teeth under the gums.
خـيـط الاسـنان مهم جـداً في الحـفاظ على نـظافة الاسـنان. حيث فـرشة الاسـنان تـنـظـف الأسـطـح الخـارجـية للأسـنان فـقـط ويأتي دور خـيـط الاسـنان في الدخـول بين الأسنان لإزالـة بـقايـا الأكل التي عادة لا نحس بوجـودهـا
خـيـط الاسـنان مهم جـداً في الحـفاظ على نـظافة الاسـنان. حيث فـرشة الاسـنان تـنـظـف الأسـطـح الخـارجـية للأسـنان فـقـط ويأتي دور خـيـط الاسـنان في الدخـول بين الأسنان لإزالـة بـقايـا الأكل التي عادة لا نحس بوجـودهـا
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رأيي الشخصي بالنسبة
Video about Flossing - فـيـديـو يـشـرح طـريـقـة خـيـط الاسـنان
The photo on the right shows what happens when we don't floss between our teeth. We all have food between our teeth after eating, and often we don't feel it. That's why it is very important to floss at least once a day (preferably before sleeping). When we don't floss, this food remains between the teeth and bacteria grows in it and slowly causes a cavity in between the two teeth. This cavity grows and sometimes we don't feel or notice it because it happens between and behind the teeth. Soon the pain will start or you will start to notice the black color. This photo shows what happens if you don't fix the cavity and let it grow. It will eat up the whole tooth and it will be very hard to fix this tooth. |
Ortho-Floss or Super-Floss
خـيـط اسـنان خـاص للـتنـظـيـف حـول اسـلاك الـتـقـويم وتحت "الجـسـر" الـثـابت كـمـا هومـوضـح في الـفـيـديـو بأسـفـل الـشاشـة
This special type of floss has three parts:
1) Plastic threader
2) Spongy Floss
3) Normal nylon floss
Used for cleaning around braces and under dental bridges.
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خـيـط اسـنان خـاص للـتنـظـيـف حـول اسـلاك الـتـقـويم وتحت "الجـسـر" الـثـابت كـمـا هومـوضـح في الـفـيـديـو بأسـفـل الـشاشـة
This special type of floss has three parts:
1) Plastic threader
2) Spongy Floss
3) Normal nylon floss
Used for cleaning around braces and under dental bridges.
Open the videos below
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